Auto Modeler Magazine – Issue #4 – Feb/March 2025


Welcome to Auto Modeler Magazine!

We are a publication for all model car enthusiasts. Auto Modeler Magazine will feature stories about new builders, young builders, show champions from all eras, and of course, all types of car models. We will keep you up with the latest trends, relive modeling history and we will bring readers those subjects that have not been covered.  Naturally, AMM will cover traditional contest model car features and we will present build reviews of traditional styrene kits, 3D printed kits, and even rare collectable kits.

Auto Modeler Magazine is bringing our passion to the hobby because we believe that there are many, many model car stories to be told. To make it possible for readers to get a monthly car model fix, Auto Modeler Magazine is scheduled to be in-home or at your local dealer on the alternate months that Model Cars Magazine (not affiliated) is scheduled to arrive.

In addition to subscribers, advertisers, & vendors, Auto Modeler Magazine is looking for contributors, to tell great stories or do kit reviews. We pay all published contributors.

Join us at Auto Modeler magazine – For the Love of Model Cars.

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SKU: M_AMM_S_4 Category: EAN: 198715969795



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8.25 x 10.75 inches


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