Chrome Plating Service

We’re excited to offer professional chrome plating services tailored for the model car world!

  • Industry-standard process: We use the same high-quality vacuum plating technique used by brands like Revell, Monogram, and Round2.
  • Affordable pricing: $35.00 per 6×8-inch rack.
  • Mounted racks only: Please note, we currently accept fully mounted racks only. Unmounted model kit parts will not be processed.
  • Turnaround time: While we’re still ramping up operations, turnaround time is expected to be 4 weeks or fewer, and we’re committed to keeping it as short as possible.


Original formula E-Z OFF Oven Cleaner seems to work very well. Some of the other oven cleaner brands have a chemical that will attack the older acetate parts and most resin parts. Put the parts in a margarine or frozen dessert-topping container, spray them liberally with the oven cleaner, put the lid on and allow it to set overnight.

You may also choose to use a product called “Super Clean” that comes in a purple gallon jug. Place the parts in a covered container as above and submerse in the Super Clean overnight. Do not throw it away when finished, as this material can be reused many, many times. Just add more when the level begins to drop. We have also found that “Dave’s Magic Paint Stripper” or “LA’s Totally Awesome” work well also.

Be sure to use proper eye protection and rubber gloves when removing and the handling the parts that have been soaked in stripper as both materials are very drying to the skin. Be sure to scrub the parts with a stiff toothbrush and rinse well with fresh water. Remember that not only the “chrome” must be removed, but also the caramel colored basecoat underneath. Some of the basecoats used are very stubborn and difficult to remove. Parts can normally be soaked for several days in either of these materials without any ill effects.


Parts that have been modified need to be polished with at least 1000 grit sandpaper. 1500 or 2000 grit is preferred. Anything less and the sanding and file marks will show through the final finish. The smoother you make the part, the better it will finish. The final finish should have at least a semi-gloss appearance in order to assure there are no sanding scratches remaining on the part. Cyanoacrylate glues (super glue) or epoxy is the preferred filler as it has nearly the same density and hardness as most of the plastics used. It will also polish out nicely for a good smooth surface to apply the coating.

Look carefully at parts that have previously been coated with black lacquer for damage done by the “hot” thinner. If the finish shows a “textured” appearance it will probably look just like that, only shiny, when chromed.


The quality of resin and 3D printed parts varies a great deal from maker to maker. Because of this, we cannot guarantee the results of the finish on these parts. 3D parts tend to be “grainy”, we are working on a way to successfully plate them. Remember, the smoother the part, the nicer the finish. Resin & 3D parts can be mounted on the same rack as kit parts.


Parts can be mounted on wire frame no larger than 6” X 8” (outside dimensions). Heavy-duty wire coat hangers are an excellent source of material. The over lapping ends should be on an 8” side for maximum strength and stability. Overlapped area can be secured with zip ties, wire, welded or soldered.

Cross- pieces can be either more coat hanger type material or a plastic structural shape such as Plastruct. Round pieces are acceptable for “stringing” promo bumpers together, but square,” T” shaped,” I” shaped or flat pieces should be used on other pieces for maximum protection against lost parts. Wood or any other porous substances are not acceptable for mounting material.

Wheels and hubcaps are best mounted on parallel rails; fastened on either the backside or an edge where the tire will cover the bare spot when remounted. Wheels and hubcaps can be mounted with as little as one eight-inch separation between them without affecting the finished product. GE Silicone II Household Glue or similar product is the recommended material for mounting all parts on your rack. The “tacky” type craft glues are not recommended as they are a water-soluble adhesive. Our experience has shown that parts become loose and fall off the rack as they are being cleaned prior to coating when this material is used. Hot glue is also not recommended.

Bumpers and larger parts should be separated by about one-half inch. An adult size finger makes an excellent and handy spacer. Placing your finger between parts when mounting them will maintain the appropriate spacing required for best results. The ends of the bumpers should be separated at least three quarters of an inch.

  • The finished sides of all parts MUST face the same side of the rack.
  • Parts cannot be mounted on both faces of the rack. The back side must remain unobstructed.
  • Leave plenty of space between parts. The finish will be inconsistent if you try to get too many pieces on a single rack.
  • You must leave a one inch space at two corners of one eight inch side in order to secure the rack in the chamber


We recommend placing each 6×8 inch rack in it’s own food or ziploc bag to catch any parts that may fall off during shipping. Place bagged racks in a box with a couple of inches of packing around them. Packing material can be packing peanuts, bubble wrap, carefully crumpled paper – anything that protects it well. Be sure to use a sturdy and in good condition box. DO NOT USE THIN BOXES, such as those used by Amazon, as they damage easily.

Ship to:Include in Box:
Spotlight Hobbies
PO Box 167
Marne, MI 49435
Phone Number

If you have a preference for the way of contact, please let us know. There is no need to send payment with your racks. We will contact you when your parts are done with your total including shipping. If you would like to add kits or other items to your order to save on shipping costs, please let us know ahead of time. Just as with our normal shipping services, chrome plated racks can be shipped internationally.


Return shipping will be actual cost- there are no handling or processing fees. It will be shipped via U.S. Postal Service (Priority or Ground Advantage). If you prefer, we can ship UPS.

All return shipping will have an automatic $100.00 insurance. More can be added if needed for a nominal cost.



Spotlight Hobbies
PO Box 167
Marne, MI 49435

[email protected]

616-682-SPOT(7768) – Leave a message